Weight Loss & Fitness

Short bouts of skipping superb

By Mercedes Kay Gold, CNP, CPT

Skipping is not just school yard fun. Skipping is nothing shy of stupendous. February is heart month and jumping rope is heaps of heart health. Skipping burns countless calories and works the whole body simultaneously. Aerobic physical activities target the heart! Skipping suits every level. Start slow with feet close to the ground and as you become more efficient try fun patterns and bouts of speed with 30-second bouts.

Consider these benefits:

  1. Skipping increases the heart rate and overtime helps lower your resting heart rate.
  2. Skipping helps increase the amount of available oxygen throughout the body.
  3. Skipping helps maintain healthy blood pressure.
  4. Skipping is great for improving coordination and balance.
  5. Skipping aids in weight-loss and weight-management.

No gym membership is required. Skipping is inexpensive. A rope ranges between $5 and $20 depending on whether you choose basic, made of plastic or the leather and metal referred to as speed ropes. There are even beaded ropes with light weights in the handles adding resistance to target biceps and shoulders.

Flexibility decreases with ageing and skipping helps maintain range of motion.

Jumping is an awesome way to support the lymphatic system, moving toxins to various pathways for elimination.

The impact of jumping boosts bone density, but love its lower impact on joints than running.

Start skipping slowly and don’t get frustrated. A couple of minutes a day and soon you will be in love with the schoolyard childhood favorite. Make sure you wear long pants and start with a plastic rope. Be kind to your legs as you learn. For successful skipping, personalize the length. Stand with your feet a few inches apart, but on the midpoint of the rope. Holding a handle in each hand, pull the rope firmly to the chest and place the handles under the armpits. Cut the excess rope or tie knots near the handles for the perfect adjustment.

Skipping is the perfect exercise anywhere anytime! Next weekend away, pack your rope and never miss a workout!

Photo credit: ©Drazen Zigic via Canva.com

Mercedes Kay Gold is a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Holistic Nutritionist who loves helping others live their best life when not spending time with her children and grandson, Theodore. She can be reached at mercedeskaygoldfitness@gmail.com or visit www.mercedeskaygold.com

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