Inflammation is your body’s way of protecting and healing itself, but when it becomes chronic, it can silently drain your energy and set the stage for long-term health issues. The tricky part? Some of the … [More...]
There are more than 600 muscles in the body and all are important. Some may say the heart tops the list. This symbol of love pumps blood and is essential to move nutrients … [More...]
Have you ever wondered how some people seem to bounce back quickly from intense workouts, stressful days, or even illnesses? They seem to breeze through challenges that leave others feeling drained and depleted. The secret … [More...]
We can only live minutes without oxygen, and the oxygen we get today from our often-polluted air, particularly in cities, requires that we take conscious steps to provide our body with additional safe, natural oxygenation. I do … [More...]
Brussels sprouts are a bounty of body-boosting benefits. Fast facts my friends. Brussels sprouts get their name from the capital of Belgium, where they first grew in the 16th century. This pint-sized … [More...]
Before modern western medicine there were healing traditions practiced by hundreds of thousands of women and men around the world, basically herbalists using drugless methods who had learned their skills from their mothers and grandmothers. Only … [More...]
Fast fashion has become synonymous with convenience and affordability, but the toxic truth about cheap clothes is far more disturbing: the clothes you wear could be harming your health in ways you might never have … [More...]
Almonds are an all-star nut! Any busy bee, gym rat or lover of healthy snack prep loves the power of the protein packed almond. Yes, they contain calories, but a handful is satiating … [More...]
Winter wonderland is on the way and the healing herb oregano should be within arm’s reach. Yes, oregano, a staple in cuisines worldwide. Oregano, a close relative of marjoram and a member of … [More...]