Considering the fact your lymphatic system cleans just about every cell in your body, and is charged with the vital task of fighting infections, viruses and bacteria, and collecting and destroying cancer cells, it’s surprising doctors don’t prescribe this simple … [More...]
Let’s face it. You’re not getting any younger. While you may not be worrying about a hunched back or broken hip at age 30, a recent study found over 25 per cent of men and women between the age of … [More...]
By Dr. Nathalie Beauchamp, DC
Have you ever wondered how some people seem to bounce back quickly from intense workouts, stressful days, or even illnesses? They seem to breeze through challenges that leave others feeling drained and depleted. The secret … [More...]
By Dr. Yasmin Snippe ND, RN
Can you be addicted to being nice? Can being a people-pleaser, make you sick? In his new book, The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness and Healing in a Toxic Culture, Canadian physician Dr. Gabor … [More...]
By Sari Huhtala
Change doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, it took 27 years to perfect this chocolate chip cookie recipe. As I evolved in my awareness of healthier options, so too did the cookie – becoming healthier than the average … [More...]
By Mercedes Kay Gold, CNP, CPT
There are more than 600 muscles in the body and all are important. Some may say the heart tops the list. This symbol of love pumps blood and is essential to move nutrients … [More...]
By Sari Huhtala
Craving sugar? Be aware. Cravings aren’t normal. You may just be fueling fungus in your body.
When Marlene Amyotte first noticed itchiness …