Detox chicken or bean salad lunch in a jar
By Kathy Smart, RNC
Makes 1 serving
- 1 tbsp of olive oil
- 1 tbsp of balsamic vinegar
- 1/4 cup chopped chicken (or substitute half a cup of cooked chickpeas/Romano beans for a meatless alternative)
- 1/4 cup shredded carrots
- 1/4 cup shredded kale
- 1/4 cup purple cabbage
- 1 cup of mixed baby spinach and arugula
- 3 tbsp of sliced strawberries
- 2 tbsp of diced almonds
- avocado and feta cheese, as desired
- 1 tbsp of cooked quinoa
- Layer all ingredients in a 1-litre mason jar (in order of ingredients listed above from bottom of jar to top) and seal until lunch.
- At lunchtime, shake the mason jar so all the salad dressing has diffused throughout the salad ingredients and empty salad onto your plate.
Photo Credit: Gord Weber
Kathy Smart, Holistic Nutritionist of the Year, is a best-selling author of Live the Smart Way: Gluten-Free Cookbook.