
Everything you ought to know about baking soda, but never thought to ask

By Sari Huhtala

Baking soda is the key ingredient in some indigestion elixirs, but this natural mineral does more than just trigger burping. Science has shown it can help with everything from slowing the progression of kidney disease to eliminating urinary tract infections, fungal infections and more.

Last month I published an article on a super easy, super effective and super cheap do-it-yourself deodorant made by combining baking soda and a touch of coconut oil. That’s when I jumped down a rabbit hole researching the countless ways this mineral can be used as an ingredient in a kitchen apothecary.

In fact, I guessed from it’s fizziness when mixed with vinegar, and its ability to relieve indigestion, that it must be an ingredient in ENO – the over-the-counter antacid my mother would give us as youngsters. Sure enough, ENO’s key ingredients are baking soda and, to my surprise, washing soda (aka – sodium carbonate) that would be the same ingredient I use to make homemade laundry detergent.

It makes sense now. Laundry doesn’t get clean by obsessive amounts of synthetic scents and bubbles, but rather by changing the pH of the water to become more alkaline. For years I used natural laundry washing balls, which worked based on the idea of changing the alkalinity of the water, as these reusable balls were filled with minerals.  

Back to baking soda. What is baking soda? It is sodium bicarbonate, a form of crystalline salt found in natural mineral deposits, and, in its most natural form it’s called nahcolite. It is naturally free of aluminum, so when buying baking soda check the ingredients. If it lists only sodium bicarbonate, you’re on the right track.

It works like a charm for indigestion – even my sheep intuitively consume it to neutralize stomach acid after grazing on the land or adjusting to new hay.

Medicinal and everyday uses for baking soda

Natural mouthwash

Studies show commercial antiseptic mouthwash can have detrimental health effects. Baking soda and water mouth rinse is a natural, effective and cheap alternative to alcohol-based mouthwash and chlorhexidine antibacterial medical mouthwash, according to a 2017 study in the National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery.

Participants in the study were told not to brush their teeth at night. In the morning, they were instructed to collect a saliva sample, then rinse their mouth with a mouthwash made with half a tablespoon of baking soda mixed in 50 ml of water. They then collected a post rinse saliva sample.

Results showed the baking soda rinse raised the salivary pH enough to prevent demineralization of the tooth enamel, which causes tooth decay. The mouthwash also decreased the number of bacteria, especially the viridans streptococci, which is most prevalent in the oral cavity. It acts as a cleansing agent for oral health.

Rescue remedy for gas, bloating, acid reflux

This fast fix for stomach upset is cheaper than any over-the-counter medication, and it works. However, it does not treat the root cause of gas and bloating – but, neither do proton pump inhibitors, which 2.25 billion people globally consume as a pharmaceutical drug for acid reflux. There’s a lot of tummy troubles out there, and a lot of money to be made by the pharmaceutical industry.

Save money, time and health. Mix 1 tsp of baking soda in a glass of water and drink slowly. Baking soda is very alkaline, so it will help to neutralize stomach acids.

Remember though, excessive consumption of baking soda can do the opposite, and increase acid production.

Nail fungus and skin infections

A 2013 study in the journal Mycopathologia – Antifungal activity of sodium bicarbonate against fungal agents causing superficial infections – researched the effect of baking soda on yeast, fungus and mold infections on skin and nails. Investigating the antifungal activity of baking soda on 70 fungal strains from skin and nail infections, researchers found it inhibited the growth of 80 per cent of the 70 strains, some of which it completely eliminated. A baking soda foot soak may be an effective way to prevent and treat fungal infections.

Kidney health

Researchers found baking soda supplementation slowed the rate of renal function in patients with chronic kidney disease. The 2009 study was published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.

For the study, 134 patients with chronic kidney disease with low bicarbonate levels were recruited. The control group received standard treatment, while the remaining received oral sodium bicarbonate treatment.

“Patients supplemented with bicarbonate were significantly less likely to experience rapid progression,” researchers concluded. Nutritional parameters also improved with the supplementation.

Itchy skin relief

Soothe itchy skin with baking soda. Make a paste of baking soda and water and apply to sunburns, allergic rashes and areas of skin affected by poison ivy. Let sit on skin for about 10 minutes then rinse off. Repeat as necessary. Or, add half a cup of baking soda to a warm bath and soak.

Urinary tract infection relief

A 2018 study – Effects of urine alkalinization with sodium bicarbonate orally on lower urinary tract symptoms in female patients – found baking soda effective for urinary tract infections.

Sodium bicarbonate was given orally to 33 female patients with lower urinary tract infection and acidic urine. They received a dose of 4 grams of baking soda/day mixed in water, two times a day for four weeks.

The pH values of the urine increased after treatment, as well as UTI symptoms. “Our results show that this new treatment modality-which is inexpensive, easy to use, and has a low side-effect profile is effective in this chronic patient group,” researchers concluded.

Potential in cancer treatment

Since cancer tumors thrive in acidic environments, researchers sought out to investigate the effects of sodium bicarbonate, which creates an alkaline environment, on tumor growth. A 2009 study – Bicarbonate Increases Tumor pH and Inhibits Spontaneous Metastases – found oral sodium bicarbonate therapy “significantly reduced the incidence of metastases in experimental models of breast and prostate cancer.”

Aside from potential medicinal uses, baking soda can be used in countless ways around the home, for cleaning around the house, as a hand scrub, for a hair wash, toothpaste, and more.

(This information is not intended to replace medical advice and treatment from a health care practitioner).

Sari Huhtala is the creator, publisher and editor of Alive and Fit Magazine, which was created in 2007.  She has over 25 years of experience in journalism and over 15 years of experience as a certified personal trainer and fitness instructor, and is a holistic chef, offering holistic cooking and edible wilds workshops. She is an organic farmer, wild-crafter and grandmother, who has spent over 20 years navigating a holistic, healthy path for her family. Reach her at 

Photo credit: © Yavdat via

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