Natural Healing

One-minute cure

By Darwin Marquardt

We can only live minutes without oxygen, and the oxygen we get today from our often-polluted air, particularly in cities, requires that we take conscious steps to provide our body with additional safe, natural oxygenation. I do this for myself by using my own safe, well researched and personally tested (for over 25 years) therapy, with no side effects.  

To quote Madison Cavanaugh from his book, “The One Minute Cure”: the secret to healing virtually all diseases, the essential nutrient oxygen is, and I agree “the world’s greatest healing miracle of all time.”

The One Minute Cure points to over 91,000 research articles in the National Institutes of Health and 6,100 European science-based articles on the efficacy of this healing modality.

So, what do I do and how do I do it?  I supplement my oxygen intake with a three per cent solution of food grade hydrogen peroxide (FG H2O2).  From my many years of use of a three per cent solution of FG H2O2 that is safe to use externally and internally, it has supported and enhanced the oxygenation of my blood, lymphatic fluids, organs and tissues at the cellular level of my body.  

I learned about FG H2O2 at the Total Health Show in Toronto in the early 1990s.   

After reading, researching and studying about three per cent FG H2O2 for some months, I decided to use it myself. I began by purchasing a 500 ml bottle of 35 per cent Food Grade H2O2 from a local health food store in Ottawa, and prepared my own three per cent solution for myself and my own uses.

How do I prepare the three per cent solution of FG H2O2?  I follow the directions on the bottle carefully.

To make a three per cent solution that can be safely used externally and internally on and in my body, I dilute one ounce of the FG 35 per cent H2O2 solution with 11 ounces of distilled water.

This gives me 12 ounces of the three per cent solution that I store in a colored glass bottle that I label and keep in a dark, cool storage location.  I store the remaining 35 per cent solution securely in my basement storage area that is dark and cool.  This is a common-sense security measure so that I don’t confuse the 35 per cent solution with my three per cent solution.

How to use the 3% FG H2O2 solution externally

Our skin is the largest and most absorbent organ in our bodies. So I generously use three per cent FG H2O2 on my skin as an after shower and after shave lotion, carefully avoiding my eyes. I keep a one-ounce glass eye-dropper bottle of the three per cent solution in my bathroom, and use the eye-dropper to squeeze it into my palm, to massage it into my shin.

A few times a month, I take a bath in a tub of warm water supplemented by three cups of three per cent FG H2O2 . I also like to soak in it for a half hour while reading for a half hour or so.   I also soak my feet in a warm foot bath with a cup of three per cent FG H2O2, and a litre of warm distilled water while reading.  

It’s also an effective antiseptic for cuts, wounds, blemishes, pimples and joint discomfort.  It helps my body accelerate its internal healing actions, since only our body heals itself.

How to use the 3% FG H2O2 solution internally  

For internal use, I add eight to fifteen drops to every glass/bottle of water I drink. I also brush my teeth with it, as I no longer have metal or mercury amalgam fillings in mouth.  Do not brush your teeth with it if you have mercury amalgams.

I use a spray bottle to saturate and deep breathe the air around me in a closed room and in my car when I stop for a rest break while travelling on long trips.  I spray the solution into the air above my head and breath it in while relaxing with my eyes closed.  Doing this refreshes me and makes me more alert and energized for an hour or two, so I can carry on with the task at hand, whether its driving or some other task.   

To help me sleep more soundly, I use a room-sized humidifier in my bedroom that adds the oxygenated mist or stream to the air I breathe while I sleep. I find that I awaken more rested and energized as a result.   

I carry a 1 ½ oz. bottle of 3% FG H2O2 solution with me most of the time and use on my skin when i need an energy boost (particularly golfing and in my vehicle.) It is safe, effective, refreshing and it does energize me…and it’s now an ingrained health habit in my life.   

Basically, I use three per cent FG H2O2 anywhere in and on my body, avoiding the eye area. The list in Cavanaugh’s book is a long one, so it’s a great resource to keep handy.

Choosing to use a three per cent solution of FG H2O2 daily has worked for me for over 25 years with no side effects. I will continue to use it as a key tool in my own health and wellness tool kit.   It costs pennies a day, is refreshingly effective, and safe to use externally and internally against a long list of dis-ease symptoms and conditions.

(This information is not intended to replace medical advice and treatment from a health care practitioner).

Darwin Marquardt is a private freelance consultant, writer, speaker, mentor, researcher; and, student for life.  He is a Certified Rebound/Vertical Motion Exercise trainer, coach, mentor and therapist who focuses on ‘the art lymphasizing,’ at the cellular level of the human body’s  health and well-being. He is an unusually healthy example of what is possible, when it comes to being healthy at 8 decades of life in his human body.  He enjoys sharing what he has learned about human health, particularly from a prevention approach.   He can be contacted by appointment and/or reached at (613) 628-2744, or email at blackjk1@sympatico.ca.

Photo credit: © Vie Studio via Canva.com

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