
Have gout? Clap it out, along with other health ails

By Sari Huhtala

As a child I was a clapper, literally clapping all the time. Who knew that the ‘habit’ my family deemed bizarre was simply an expression of my all-knowing intuitive self striving to maintain balance, mentally and physically?

I don’t recall my family doctor ever mentioning clapping as an antidote for asthma, but it makes sense now. Clapping activates the 30 plus acupressure points in the palm of your hand, one of which stimulates and improves the function of nerve and blood vessel ending connected to the lungs, according to a 2017 article “Clapping has Incredible Benefits” that was published in the International Journal of Psychology and Behavioural Science.

The huge perk is that clapping is free and can be carried out by anyone, anywhere. So many things your doctor never told you. But it doesn’t end there.

Have gout? Clap it out. The “severity of gout and the progression of the disease can be halted” through clapping, according to the journal article. How? Clapping stimulates acupressure points connected to organs, thus improving the health of the kidneys and other vital organs.

The list of health benefits from clapping is endless. Clapping boosts white blood cells, improving immunity, increases blood circulation to organs, improves blood pressure, aids with digestion, eases back pain and arthritis pain, and bone health. Children who clap have been found to have improved brain function, fewer spelling mistakes, and better concentration.

It’s also super easy to use clapping as a way of clearing negative energy. Clear low, dense energy from your space or home by simply moving around and clapping in spots where energy seems stuck. The sound and vibration permeates the space to cleanse and clear energy.

How do you know if you are being affected by negative energy? Some of the signs include: feeling unusually tired despite having a good night’s rest, feeling agitated for no reason, seeing only the negative side of situations/people, feeling down, resistance to doing positive actions, like healthy eating and exercise, which are normally part of your routine.

Sari Huhtala is the publisher and editor of Alive and Fit Magazine. She is a mother of 3 adult children. She has spent over 20 years navigating a healthy path for her family, one health hack at a time, as a single mom feeding her kids healthy on a shoestring budget. She has over 15 years experience as a certified fitness specialist and personal trainer, 10 years experience as a reiki practitioner, as well as and over 25 years experience in journalism.

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