
The power of parsley

By Mercedes Kay Gold, CNP, CPT

This homegrown garden goodness of herbs is a bounty of health benefits. Parsley is easy to grow and spreads stupendously. Parsley, is a flowering plant native to the Mediterranean, and cultivated for more than 2,000 years. Parsley has anti-bacterial properties and was used medicinally to treat a wide range of disorders from digestive distress to toothaches and bronchitis. But a worldwide celebrity plate garnish. There are two types of parsley; French curly-leaf and Italian flat-leaf. Parsley pairs perfectly in reams of recipes.

Parsley is a powerhouse of nutrients. Calories are negligible, but half a cup is so loaded with amazing antioxidants, crucial for helping prevent cellular damage. Fighting free radicals throughout the body is always on the menu. Parsley is an easy and inexpensive awesome addition to an array of recipes.

Vitamin A is astounding, and you will be over your daily intake. The vitamin K is crazy with 547 per cent of the recommended daily intake. Vitamin K is crucial to blood clotting and essential for healthy bones.

Edema an issue? Parsley is a huge holistic helper as a diuretic, helps cleanse the liver making it a great detox aid.

Fresh is first! Chop parsley and add to sauces, soups and stews. Parsley is easily hidden in a smoothie with pineapple, green apple, beets and ginger for a blended body-boosting drink. Parsley is a super add-in in salad dressings, marinades, egg, potato and tuna salad. Chimichurri, a specialty of Argentina and Uruguay, is served over grilled or roasted meat and truly a taste sensation. Oregano, garlic, fresh, long red chili, red wine vinegar, salt, and olive oil are flavorful but the fresh flatleaf parsley is the star of the sauce.

The simplest sauté is a side of parsley. Warm up avocado oil, add some grated garlic and ginger and piles of parsley to the pan. On medium-high heat, in less than 30 seconds, ta-da, green goodness. Season with salt and pepper, squeeze of lemon and serve.

Parsley pesto

Parsley pesto perfection begins with two cups of parsley, ¼ cup toasted pine nuts, minced garlic, ¼ cup olive oil, ¼ cup finely grated pecorino cheese, squeeze of lemon, salt and pepper to taste all blended in the food processor. Serve on bread, stuff a chicken breast, stir into mashed potatoes and F.Y.I it’s exceptional on eggs.

Do you have gads of summertime’s favorite backyard garden healthy herb? Be sure to add a green pop of color to serving platters with a sprig of super nutritious parsley.

Mercedes Kay Gold is a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Holistic Nutritionist who loves helping others live their best life when not spending time with her children and grandson, Theodore. She can be reached at mercedeskaygoldfitness@gmail.com 

Photo credit: © Mizina via Canva.com

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