
Homemade facial treatments on a dime

Rejuvenate skin by sloughing off dead skin cells with facial treatments made from ingredients found in most kitchens. Save money and reduce the body burden of toxins found in most conventional skin care products.

Try these simple ideas:

Coffee grounds (used are just fine)
They are antibacterial, exfoliating and stimulating to the skin.

Sugar (table sugar or coarse)
Works well with olive oil to provide gentle scrubbing for your homemade exfoliant.

Almonds (ground up)
Creates a gentle scrubbing action while providing healthy oils to the skin.

Oatmeal (use natural unflavoured)
Healing and soothing for the skin especially sensitive skin. Ground up for finer scrub or left as for a little more action.

 Corn flour or rice powder
Another good, easily available choice, especially for oily skin. Helps absorb skin oils.

Kosher or sea salt
Salt is an age old exfoliater; use a gentle touch to avoid irritating the skin. Coarse salt and coarse sugar work better when combined with a moist ingredient that is sticky. When combined with just a juice, no paste is formed.

Strawberry acne treatment

  • 100g of strawberries in a bowl (crushed)
  • 10 drops of milk
  • 5 drops lavender essential oil (antiseptic)

Mix all ingredients together and apply to skin. Leave the strawberries mixture on the skin for 15 minutes. Rinse and apply light moisturizer after treatment.

Facial treatment tips provided by Yvette Houlahan, esthetician, Greater Sudbury.

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