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Daily two-minute routine helps body recognize, remove cancer cells, toxins

Considering the fact your lymphatic system cleans just about every cell in your body, and is charged with the vital task of fighting infections, viruses and bacteria, and collecting and destroying cancer cells, it’s surprising doctors don’t prescribe this simple two-minute daily routine to move lymph and increase white blood cell count by up to 300 per cent.

A crucial part of your immune system, the lymphatic system is comprised of narrow tubes called lymphatic vessels, and about 600 lymph nodes. The vessels carry fluid from outside of the body’s cells and blood vessels, foreign substances and toxins, lipids, cholesterol and immune cells, according to a September 2023 report in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. The fluid, which contains a high amount of white blood cells called lymphocytes, collects waste products, and abnormal cells, like cancer cells, then drains into the lymph vessels.

“Beyond recognition as critical regulators of fluid homeostasis, a growing literature now establishes lymphatic vessels as mediators of immune cell trafficking and immune interactions, absorption of nutrients, and clearance of inflammation,” according to the report, The Emerging Importance of Lymphatics in Health and Disease.

A poor functioning lymphatic system “has been shown to play a key role in the pathophysiology of many disease states,” the report states.

Have a desk job? Sitting for long periods of time can impair the immune system due to the fact it impacts the lymphatic system, according to a 2019 review in the Journal of Sport and Health Science.

Acute exercise, something so simple as gentle rebounding for a few minutes daily, boosts total white cell count, as it activates the flow of lymph, and over time improves the ability of the immune system to recognize and eliminate “pathogens and cancer cells and decrease systemic inflammation,” according to the review, The Compelling Link Between Physical Activity and the Body’s Defense System.

Only two minutes of jumping on a rebounder flushes the entire lymphatic system, tripling white blood cell count, and boosting your immunity, research from MedFit Network shows.

Lymph counts on exercise to move, and one of the most efficient ways to move lymph is by rebounding, according to a study which appeared in the Indian Journal of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation.

A “health bounce” is achieved by simply “standing on the therapeutic mini trampoline and lightly moving heels up and down to produce a gentle bouncing motion, with feet in contact with the mat,” the study notes.

Researchers reported, in their Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Rebounding Exercise on Lymphedema, a simple regular “health bounce” on a therapeutic mini trampoline makes a “significant difference” in reducing swelling in patients with an impaired lymphatic system.

What sets rebounding apart from regular exercise? In short, due to the fact the main lymph vessels run up the arms, up the legs and up the torso, rebounding, also known as cellular exercise, has been found to be one of the top ways to “pump lymph.” Lymph fluid travels through vessels that have one-way valves, and the fluid always moves in the same direction.

When one jumps up, and is at the top of the jump, it causes the lymphatic valves to open. At the bottom of the jump, the “push” off the rebounder motion closes the valves. This creates, in essence, a pump that moves and recycles lymph and blood supply through the circulatory system over and over while rebounding, moving toxins out of the system.

Many rebounders are designed for recreation rather than regular fitness use. Price points vary depending on quality. It pays to invest in a quality rebounder that will not only last for decades, but will protect knees and joints, and help protect from injury.

Needak has been manufacturing the #1 brand of quality rebounder on the market since 1990.

Needak is the innovator of the Soft-Bounce™ spring that is designed to absorb 85 per cent of the impact of each bounce to protect knees and spine from injury. Their rebounders are also made of a special platform material that prevents ankle injury, and does not stretch or tear out. They also offer a limited lifetime warranty on their rebounders.

Cheap rebounders are made with low-quality springs or bungees that can be jarring on the joints and leave the knees and back feeling worse than before beginning exercise. A therapeutic mini trampoline is a high-quality rebounder that has springs specifically designed to absorb the impact of a bounce, to protect the joints. Some rebounders also offer a stabilizing bar to hold on to.

Buy directly from the manufacturer and save. Explore rebounders at Needak today!

Photo credit: © Jacob Lund via Canva.com

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