101 Reasons to stay active!
1) Because there are few things that make me feel more alive than feeling the thump of my own heart vibrating my body!
2) Because being active means moving, and by moving you get to see and experience more of the amazing parts of this life!
3) Because being
active makes those lazy days feel like a treat!
(Submitted by Carmen Scott)
4) I exercise to stay happy.
5) I give myself a short Reiki treatment before I go for a 45 minute walk each day. The Reiki and the exercise boost my energy and help my heart and lungs take better care of me. They stimulate the chemicals in my brain that make me feel happier and more relaxed. They also both help to control my weight and that makes me real happy! (Provided by Cynthia Widawski, Reiki Master Teacher, Grief Recovery Specialist, Capreol)
6) Your kids will learn the importance of being fit
7) To increase energy levels and reduce stress
8) To improve health & reduce illness and injuries
(Provided by Josee Garneau, Sudbury)
9) My favourite reason for exercising is that any aches I have from working out are earned aches, as opposed to just feeling aches that signal I am getting older. My legs and feet used to ache a lot, but now only when I overdo exercise. I want to burn out, not rust out. (Provided by Suzanne Brooks, Gulliver’s Quality Books and Toys, North Bay)
10) Walking with your pet will make them happy and fit.
11) Walking or biking with your child will give you quality time together.(Provided by Sylvie Gareau-Jones, Sudbury)
12) You’ll have more energy.
13) You’ll look and feel younger
14) To keep up with the kids
15) To prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and much more
16) To fit into that bathing suit this summer!
17) To keep your brain sharp
18) To release the “feel good” endorphins
19) To prevent osteoporosis
20) To prevent falls as you get older
21) So you’ll be strong enough to shovel your snow next winter!
22) To prevent depression (Provided by Kelly Wallace, ND, Wallace Integrated Health Centre, North Bay)
23) Yoga teaches us that where there is breath, there is life! Mindful exercise allows us to deepen in the breath. Enjoy your breath! Enjoy your life! (Provided by Theresa Gregory, co-owner of YogAloft Wellness Retreat in McKellar, ON)
24) So we can enjoy life and time with grandchildren.
25) Life is busy, we work all our adult life and as we turn towards 50, a time when we are supposed to have more time to do the things we want too do; whether that be engaging in extended family activities or excursions for thy self, being active at all stages of life allows us to actively participate in our grandchildren’s activities; where we can get down and engage at their level, which for myself is one of the ultimate gifts that life has to offer.(Submitted by Lauraine Chassé, Social Worker and life style coach at Nature’s Inn B&B, Massey, ON.)
26) To forever be able to do the things I love to do, such as gardening and animal husbandry. (Submitted by Isabelle Legault, Field Good Farms, Cache Bay, ON.)
27) Physical activity increases the oxygen levels in your blood, which manages fatigue better than a cup of coffee!
28) Turn back the hands of time – physical activity makes you not only feel, but also look younger!
29) Heart disease, constipation, diabetes and arthritis – just a few of the conditions that can be alleviated and even prevented with physical activity!
30) Stressful day? Physical activity actually produces a calming influence, which stabilizes your blood pressure and improves stomach problems by relieving nervous tension and anxiety.
31) By stimulating blood circulation, physical activity improves concentration, memory and sleep quality.
32) Perspiration during physical activity rids your body of an unwanted build-up of toxins, making it stronger and more resistant to disease. (Submitted by Rebecca Mullins RHN, Alive ‘n’ Thrivin’ Nutrition Education and Counselling, North Bay, ON)
33) I exercise to age better. Being over 50, stretching is great to improve flexibility, attitude, stress levels and circulation.
34) We live in a sit-down, drive-thru society. Many of us work many hours at the computer, including me. I exercise to loosen up and lessen muscular pain and tension.
35) Going on my treadmill is like a walking meditation for me. Many times my mind solves a problem while I am on the treadmill.
36) I exercise because I want to do everything in my power to keep healthy and independent in my golden years. (Submitted by Valerie Borden, Fresh Set of Eyes, Sudbury, ON)
37) No matter how I feel when I walk into the gym, I always feel better afterwards.
38) After exercise, my blood pressure drops 20 points.
39) Moderate exercise
fights cancer and helps to reduce the side effects of treatment.
40) Because of weight training, I can carry
all my groceries from the car to my kitchen in one trip.
41) Exercise has helped me look 10 years younger than my age.
42) I have met a lot of people at the gym.
43) I like catching up on television while on an exercise machine.
44) On Saturday mornings, I go to yard sales on my bike and save money while staying fit. (Submitted by Allan Hirsh, M.A. Counselling Services in North Bay, ON)
45) Improve emotional well-being and reduce depression.
46) Be a healthy role model for your children. They will be more likely to exercise if you exercise.
47) Cut down on pollution by walking, running or riding a bike instead of driving. Help keep your dog in shape and healthy.
48) Improve your sleep.
49) Improve brain function and help reduce the possibility of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia later in life.
50) Have a healthier pregnancy and baby and lose those pregnancy pounds afterwards. (Submitted by Dr. Sherrie Guillet, B.Sc. (Hons), D.C. Chiropractor, Acupuncture Practitioner & Animal Chiropractor, New Sudbury Chiropractic & Wellness Centre)
51) You know that later on in the day you’ll regret not getting out to exercise.
52) Because you’re running out of excuses not to exercise.
53) Because you’re not ready to invest in a new wardrobe yet, despite the fact last year’s clothes don’t fit.
54) You’ll feel better about yourself if you exercise.
55) It’s a great way to de-stress and leave everything behind.
56) Getting friends together for a brisk walk is great for the soul.
57) Adults don’t always spend enough time in the sunshine, so a walk is a great way to get your vitamin D.
58) It’s the best stress reliever ever!
59) To get your beach body!
60) Because you can.
61) It improves your sex drive.
62) When you’re physically active your brain is sharper and you can make decisions more easily.
63) Exercise can be a moving meditation if you are concentrating on breathing and your movement, rather than your list of things to do.
64) You can run to catch the bus.
65) You can keep up with an active toddler.
66) Because you’re tired and you know exercise combats fatigue.
67) You want to remain independent for as long as you can as you age.
68) Aches and pains disappear if you keep your body strong.
69) A physically active person is more attractive than a couch potato.
70) It makes you feel vibrant and alive!
71) You want to be able to outrun your kids.
72) You’re tired of looking at your flab.
73) Because that desk job is giving you a back ache.
74) Because life is about movement.
75) Because you enjoy being a pain-free gardener.
76) Because you don’t want to wake up one morning and discover climbing on a chair to reach up into a cupboard is too much work.
77) Because you don’t like cellulite.
78) Because you’re tired of blaming all of your health issues on aging.
79) Of all the health interventions available to you, exercise delivers the greatest return on investment.
80) Spandex feels better on a toned body.
81) You never know what size of hurdle life will throw at you.
82) Because there’s something inherently wonderful about being able to tackle tasks on your own.
83) Because you don’t want to throw out your back lifting your toddler.
84) Because you never know when you might have to outrun a bear.
85) Because regular bowel movements are essential for health.
86) Because you never know when you’ll have to crawl out of a tight spot.
87) Because scales don’t lie.
88) Because it’s one of the best anti-aging medicines available free for everyone!
89) Because you don’t want to squeeze into a theatre seat.
90) Because you like the idea of living longer.
91) Because you’re tired of spending money on cold and flu medications.
92) You don’t feel guilty when indulging in a dessert.
93) You are capable of much more than you think you are.
94) Because you promised yourself you’ll start exercising tomorrow.
95) Because after the age of 30-something you’ll lose up to a half a pound of muscle annually if you don’t exercise.
96) You’ll feel motivated to eat healthier.
97) When you nurture yourself with exercise, your whole family benefits.
98) You have better posture.
99) You’re more likely to drink more water throughout the day.
100) Because you like the look of toned arms.
101) Because life’s too short to feel crummy!