Nature’s candy may protect against Alzheimer’s
By Mercedes Kay Gold, CNP, CPT
Dates are delightful. This fabulous fruit comes from the date fruit tree and native to the Middle East. Today dates are grown in various regions and California grown dates dominate the shelves. Dates grow in clusters, and ripe and ready to eat once they are a shiny rich brown and wrinkly. Dried or fresh, they are a superfood by all accounts and available all year. Yes, they are stocked with sugar, natural sugar, but remain low on the glycemic index. Dates are holistic candy courtesy of Mother nature and no need for diabetics to shy away from. The soluble fiber content is fabulous and helps support LDL or the lousy cholesterol. Dates contain an array of awesome antioxidants that may help reduce triglycerides. There are hundreds of varieties of dates, but Mejools are magical. Two large dates have about 110 calories. They are packed with potassium, powerhouse to support healthy blood pressure. Fun fact. Mejools equal mega magnesium. By weight they contain 50 per cent more potassium than bananas. Potassium is an essential mineral, key to maintaining muscular function, blood pressure, heart rate, and preventing fatigue. They are a stupendous pre-workout snack, supplying endless energy or perfect post-exercise to replenish glycogen stores in the liver.
Dates are a good source of copper and selenium, two trace minerals lost in modern day farming, but critical for optimal health. Selenium supports the thyroid and copper contributes to iron absorption. A paper published in 2016 found dates show promise for potentially helped protect against Alzheimer’s disease. See more research here:
Dates are an inexpensive on-the-go, mess-free snack. They are energy restoring, gut goodness and can be used in endless ways. Chopped dates are granola goodness and used in slews of dreamy desserts. Dates can be added to the food processor with oatmeal, nuts or nut butter and shredded coconut. Just roll a tablespoon of the mixture into balls, roll in melted chocolate and refrigerate for a decadent date snack. Dates are taking over the market place. Date sugar and syrups are an awesome alternative to sugar, corn syrup, maple syrup and honey.
With summer on its way, dates are perfect playground or soccer and baseball game go-to for kids. Dates are backpack buddies for biking, hiking and all summertime fun times at any age. Social media is obsessed with dates, too. Post and after post, people are adding a teaspoon of nut butter or a nut to the inside of a date. Healthy eating is one trend worth following!
Mercedes Kay Gold is a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Holistic Nutritionist who loves helping others live their best life when not spending time with her children and grandson, Theodore. She can be reached at