
Holly Holistic Nutrition

Holly Holistic Nutrition
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Short Business Description
Holly helps women with diabetes and overweight issues to reverse their high numbers and feel good again through nutrition and lifestyle choices.

Holly is a Registered Holistic Nutrition Practitioner/ Holistic Health Counselor. She is a Registered practical Nurse with a BScN degree.
Long Business Description

Tired of being treated for the symptoms only and not cured of the root cause? Tired of looking at the food and gain weight! Tired of doing your best in eating well but without success? Yes, I was once there!

Not only Holly looks into your detailed intake form (health history) and helps you understand the force(s) behind (root causes) your health problem but she will walk with you through your journey of reversing and balancing your high to optimal numbers. Supported by the Evidenced Based Research Studies that Holistic Nutrition and Lifestyle Choices may promote the reversal of high blood glucose levels and overweight.

Have you ever run out of ideas of what to eat, what to buy or you do not have time, energy, or knowledge to cook nutritious meals? I can relate! Holly offers 7 days meal plans and recipes to help you.

Holly offers Free Discovery Call for 30 minutes. A 2 Month Program and a 3 Month Signature Program. Diabetes and overweight management needs implementation and follow ups to achieve the goals.

Holly coaches clients virtual via Zoom at the comfort of your home.
“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather with nutrition”. Thomas Edison

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