"The highest ideal of a cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the, health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles." - Dr. Samuel Hahnemann
This is Homœopathy in a nutshell. No complicated diet or exercise plans, no cabinets full of vitamines and supplements, no complicated plan. Common sense and one remedy that covers the largest number of your complaints possible are all that it takes to get you healing because a homœopathic approach to healing is holistic (treating the PERSON that has this disease), global (one SIMILIMUM for the whole picture) and completely non-toxic (the smallness of the dose guarantees that).
In Acute conditions, a Walk-in Clinic is open 8:30AM-10:00AM Monday to Friday to make sure you can take care of that nasty cold, those painful bruises, that awful toothache, that paralyzing backache... right away (on weekends one of the Homœopaths is on call).
From 10:00AM-5:00PM weekdays you must make an appointment and we will be happy to take a full case and help you to regain your optimal health.