Veg out with kohlrabi
By Sari Huhtala
If you’re just a garden-variety type of eater, who doesn’t venture far from the usual fare of carrots, potatoes and lettuce, consider living adventurously this summer by introducing new produce to your palate. Your immune system will love you for it.
Not widely popular, kohlrabi, or German turnip, tastes slightly sweeter than broccoli and delivers a powerful boost of antioxidants due to its high vitamin C content – 93 per cent of your daily vitamin C needs in just one cup.
Eaten raw or cooked, its slightly sweet taste is reminiscent of a mild cabbage with a hint of broccoli. You can eat the whole plant, including the greens, and its crazy full of vitamin C.
You can steam, mash, boil or bake kohlrabi, or toss it into soups and stews. An easy way to enjoy it is cut into ¼-inch thick rounds and sautéed in olive or coconut oil, lightly seasoned with salt and pepper.
You can also grate it into salads, along with the leaves, or just eat it raw with veggie dip.
Try it today!