Holistic Therapy

Stressed? Overwhelmed? Explore a simple path to inner peace

Around 90 per cent of visits to the doctor are stress related, and have a psychological component. Imagine how powerful it would be to be able to find your inner peace, to start with a clean slate, and create your best life. This one therapeutic technique does just that.

“Time Line Therapy® is like regression therapy,” says Ray Rheault, a master in Time Line Therapy® “It takes you back to the time when you ever experienced something, like anger. We call it pulling the root cause of anger. If you don’t pull the roots, it will come back. So, I go back to the very event where you experienced anger and any other emotion.”

“(Ray) changed my life,” says Tina Goldsack. “Mere words alone could never adequately convey the soul deep gratitude that I have for him, his teachings and the extraordinary light he shines so that others can find their way out of their darkness. My life is becoming the fairy tale I have always dreamed of because his teachings are just that empowering. This is an amazing opportunity to become the architect of your life and find your inner peace because we are all worthy of our dreams coming true.”

Rheault’s own journey of self-discovery and healing over 20 years ago led him to follow a path as a personal coach and energy psychology practitioner. He is a master in Time-Line Therapy ® and NLP, a clinical hypnotherapist, CODE Model Coach® through WEL-Systems®, Reiki Master, Quantum Touch Practitioner, Addiction Worker, and also offers past life regression, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), trauma release and Neuro-Associative Conditioning (NAC). Since then, he’s been changing people’s lives.

“Thanks so much Ray. If I didn’t go see you I knew I’d be at a place where I was still struggling and hurt. I was feeling lost. Your kindness, dedication, compassion and work helped me overcome so much in my healing journey. Because of you I am feeling happy and myself again.  I greatly appreciate all you’ve done for me,” says Melissa Boissoneau of Sagamok, ON.

For Rheault, 1999 marked a turning point in his life. Despite being a successful mechanic and owning Ray’s Auto in Massey, ON for over 20 years, dis-ease had set in and his passion for mechanics had waned. By the time Rheault was 42 he could hardly walk a few steps. Twenty years of overtime, working hard and fast as a had taken its toll, leading to heart issues and burn out. He started searching for a better way of being.

By the age of 45, after experiencing Time Line Therapy® and doing self-discovery, he had completely reversed the damage to his heart, became vibrant and healthy, and carved a new path.

He discovered the WEL-Systems® Institute in Ottawa, and pursued all the certifications they offered, including NLP and Time Line Therapy®, and eventually ended up working at the institute.

“I finally believed in miracles. I had a heart condition. I was seeing a heart specialist in Sudbury and I had muscle damage so I was on nitro, I couldn’t even walk a couple of steps. After working with Louise (the founder of the Institute) and getting back to my roots, we were able to reverse the heart condition. The cardiologist couldn’t believe it.”

Time Line Therapy® is powerful, he explains.

“Once one resolves all the issues, one is starting with a clean slate. That’s powerful.”

“I worked with a pharmacist recently,” Rheault explains. “She called me because she wanted to do a past life regression. When we sat down and had a conversation, we realized she didn’t need a past life regression she needed timeline therapy to resolve anger. People can resolve anger issues in one session with timeline therapy. They don’t realize how powerful they really are.”

“One lady went back into the womb. It wasn’t even her own anger. It was her mother’s. Because it gets wired right into the child, so she was born angry. We resolved her issues there. Anger is a Gestalt of memories on your timeline you have memories from the womb, so I take you on the journey all the way to present time and resolve all your issues, in one session.”

Time Line Clearing 

You can use timeline therapy in the following conditions:


Timeline therapy can be an effective way to treat anxiety disorders. The therapist will help you to identify any anxious thoughts or behaviors that are holding you back. They will then work with you to release the negative emotions associated with these thoughts and behaviors.


If you have experienced a traumatic event, timeline therapy can be very helpful in resolving the emotional aftermath. The therapist will help you to process the trauma and release any negative emotions that are associated with it. This can be a life-changing experience, as it allows you to finally move on from the trauma and start living your life again.


If you feel constantly stressed out or overwhelmed, timeline therapy may be able to help. The therapist will help you to identify any stressors in your life and work with you to release the negative emotions associated with them. This can be a very liberating experience, as it allows you to take back control of your life.

Difficult Life Transitions

If you are going through a difficult life transition, such as separation, divorce or bereavement, timeline therapy may be able to help. The therapist will help you to process the emotions that you are experiencing and give you the tools to deal with them effectively. This can be very helpful during a difficult time.

Fears or Phobias

If you suffer from specific phobias or intense fears, timeline therapy may be able to help. The therapist will work with you to release the negative emotions associated with these fears before helping you to create a new and empowering belief system.

Sadness or Depression

If you feel sad or depressed, timeline therapy can be very beneficial. The therapist will help you to identify the emotions underlying these feelings and release them in a safe environment. This process can often result in an incredible sense of relief and clarity, which makes it easier for you to move forward with your life again.

Contact Ray for more info or to book an appointment.

Conversations For Change

Contact Ray at 705-869-8343 or by email to cfc.coaching@hotmail.ca

Ray offers mobile sessions throughout the region of Greater Sudbury, as well as sessions in Manitoulin, Massey, and area. He also facilitates an addiction recovery and self-discovery gathering.

Photo credit: © andresr via Canva.com

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