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Discover the best disease prevention intervention

One medicine has been proven to provide the single, greatest health intervention for everything from fatigue, depression and anxiety to arthritis pain, diabetes and heart disease, and that medicine is exercise.

Love to exercise? Great, you’re ahead of the game. And if you’re not a fan of exercise, a rebounder can be a game changer – even two minutes a day can make a big difference.

If you’re not exercising, consider this fact: low cardiorespiratory fitness is the greatest predictor of death, according to The Aerobic Centre Longitudinal Study, which followed the health and lifestyle habits of 50,000 people over a number of years.

Let’s face it, life is busy. For those days when you can’t squeeze in a 30-minute run on your treadmill, or make it to the gym, a simple 2-minute rebounding session will go a long way in providing you with just the wellness boost your body craves, and needs, to maintain good health, not to mention ward off fatigue and provide a boost of energy.

Two minutes of rebounding stimulates millions of one-way valves in the lymphatic system, flushing the lymphatic system. Think of the lymphatic system as your body’s own vacuum cleaner, taking out the trash. When the lymphatic system is congested, it impedes the body’s ability to remove waste material, and disease can ensue.

Research in the British Journal of Sports Medicine shows that even one minute of high-intensity incidental physical activity, like running up and down stairs or jumping on a rebounder, can improve cardiorespiratory fitness for the inactive person. Cardiorespiratory fitness is an indicator of how effectively your circulatory system sends oxygen throughout your body.

Rebounding oxygenates the tissues to help prevent disease, improves circulation, strength and balance, as well as increases growth hormone for tissue repair and regeneration, not to mention stimulates the release of feel-good hormones endorphins to uplift and energize.

It’s also the perfect exercise choice for winter months when walking outdoors on slippery sidewalks or frigid winter temperatures may pose a challenge, and its versatility makes ideal for all ages – from toddlers to seniors.

Rebound exercise is simply non-impact vertical motion exercise on a rebounder – a specialized mini trampoline. Not all rebounders are created equal though. Most are designed for recreation rather than regular fitness use. Price points vary depending on quality. Cheap rebounders are made with low-quality springs or bungees that can be jarring on the joints and leave the knees and back feeling worse than before beginning exercise. If regular use for therapeutics or fitness is the aim, invest in a high-quality rebounder that has springs specifically designed to absorb the impact of a bounce, to protect the joints. Some rebounders also offer a stabilizing bar to hold on to.

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