Natural Remedies

Aromatic herb rescue remedy

Rosemary is more than just an aromatic herb used in Italian food fare and flavourful stews. Deep inhalation of its aroma is medicine for your brain, plus a tea or tincture it’s been proven to positively affect mood, memory, pain, anxiety, headaches and sleep.

Anxious? Stressed? Breathe in the aroma of rosemary essential oil. A 2009 study in the Holistic Nursing Practice journal found nursing students’ experienced decreased cortisol stress hormone levels and reduced oxidative stress, which can lead to attack on the brain cells through free radicals, after inhaling the scent of pure rosemary oil. The result? Improved performance in exams.

As a folk remedy, rosemary has been found to help with headaches, pain, stomach ache, nervousness, fatigue and depression.

A number of studies provide evidence of the efficacy of rosemary as an anti-inflammatory, anti-hysteric and antidepressant with neuroprotective properties, according to the scientific review Therapeutic effects of rosemary and its active constituents on nervous system disorders, which appeared in the Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences.

Scientists have focused their studies on rosemary extracts and its constituents like rosmarinic acid, carnosic acid and carnosol, but for therapeutic results, the leaves of this perennial shrub can also be enjoyed as a tea.

Phenolic compounds Rosmarinic and carnosic acid, found in rosemary, offer the greatest anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects, researchers say.

Create an infusion with fresh or dried rosemary by adding about 1 ½ cups of fresh rosemary (whole twigs and leaves) into a tea pot, pour two cups of hot (not boiling) water over the herbs and steep for at least 10 minutes. Or use approximately half cup of dried rosemary instead of fresh. Enjoy as a cool tea also.

Drink the infusion for colds and flu, headaches or fatigue, rheumatic pain and indigestion, according to The Complete Medicinal Herbal.

Create a rosemary compress for injuries, sprains and pain. Soak a cotton cloth in warm tea infusion, then place compress onto injured area. For sprains, alternate between the warm compress and cold ice packs.

(This information is not intended to replace medical advice and treatment from a health care practitioner).

Sari Huhtala is the creator, publisher and editor of Alive and Fit Magazine. She has over 25 years experience in journalism and over 15 years experience as a certified personal trainer and fitness instructor. She is an organic farmer, wild-crafter and grandmother, who has spent over 20 years of navigating a holistic, healthy path for her family.

Photo credit: ©Mizina via Canva.com

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