Natural Healing

Age old 2-ingredient arthritis elixir boosts immunity

By Sari Huhtala

This 2000-year-old elixir made with two simple ingredients is likely the easiest anti-inflammatory tonic you’ll ever create, and, unlike Ibuprofen, it doesn’t come with a risk of side effects. Plus, it doubles as a daily dose of immune support.

Greek physician and master herbalist Pedanius Dioscorides who authored a five-volume encyclopedia about herbal medicines and medicinal substances about 2000 years ago, developed this simple tonic, oxymel, touting its benefits for relief of arthritis pain and dissolving calcium deposits in the body.

Oxymel, or sour honey, is easy to make. Simply combine equal parts apple cider vinegar and raw honey in a glass jar or bottle. Shake and add one tablespoon of elixir to one cup of water, according to the book Ancient Healing Secrets, Practical Cures that Work Today. Drink a couple of times daily, and for children half the dose, for immune support.

Akin to the taste of apple juice, this tonic was also used as a folk remedy to calm nervousness in adults and children.

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